The Hayley Lloyd Show
The Hayley Lloyd Show is dedicated to your personal growth and development. Hosted by Hayley Lloyd, a spiritual mindset & business coach, this podcast aims to help you overcome self-doubt, rediscover your inner light and grow into your true purpose. We will be covering a range of topics and themes: advice and guidance on how to grow a spiritual practice, practical tips and tricks to help you to transform your mindset and vulnerable real-life stories of reflection and learning. This podcast aims to help guide you back to yourself so that you can live a life you love.
The Hayley Lloyd Show
build permanent & unwavering authority to manifest everything you desire
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This episode explores the concept of Permanent Authority, focusing on building unshakable confidence through authenticity, inner strength, and effective communication. By understanding the dynamics of inner and outer authority, listeners learn how to cultivate a sense of conviction and resilience that fosters sustainable success in their personal and professional lives.
We cover topics such as:
• Defining Permanent Authority and its significance
• The interplay of inner and outer authority
• Authenticity as a foundation for inner authority
• Grieving past identities for personal growth
• Expanding capacity through healing discomfort
• The role of resilience in personal development
• Creating clarity for effective communication
• Crafting engaging collateral to solidify authority
• Differentiating between permanent and impermanent authority
• Invitation to free training on manifestation and marketing
Hello and welcome back to the podcast. Today I'm gonna be talking to you guys about permanent authority and how you can create a level of conviction and solidity in your authority that doesn't waver no matter what you are going through Like. Imagine if you could have a sense of conviction that never allowed self-doubt to come in. Imagine if you could create a level of authority where you never second-guessed yourself, if you never wavered in your conviction and the reasons that you were doing things. You felt completely certain on the decisions that you were making and you didn't feel like you needed to outsource your power and go to someone else to make a decision or go to someone else to help you make money. You just knew that you had the skills, you had the authority, the inner authority, to propel you into whatever it is that you want to do.
Speaker 1:Ultimately, the journey of building integrated authority is this journey exactly. It is the journey of building permanent authority where it doesn't waver depending on whether you're having a bad day or whether you're feeling emotionally a little bit under the weather or whether you're going through something in your family, because the authority, the conviction that you have in yourself and your ability to get shit done and to achieve the things that you want to achieve reigns supreme. It is a sturdy and steady foundation that you just bring into everything that happens. So it means if you have a day that is a little bit more low vibe, where you are experiencing difficult emotions, it doesn't affect your ability to manifest and go after the huge ambitions that I know you have If you are a current million dollar brand. This is something that we need to have in the bucket loads. We need to be able to have this continued level of permanent authority. However, I know a lot of seven-figure entrepreneurs do not currently have this, and so it means that they can go through a real up and down relationship with their business where sometimes, when they are firing on all cylinders, they are fully in their power. They are able to get shit done, and then something can happen, whether it's illness, sickness, even going on holiday or something happening in the family. It completely throws them off course and makes them question everything, despite making a lot of money. So if you have currently felt that at any point in the past, this episode is going to be for you, because I'm going to be talking about how do we create this permanent feeling of authority and solidity in what it is that we are doing in our businesses.
Speaker 1:So in order to have a sense of permanent authority, we need authority in two areas inner authority and outer authority. You guys have heard me talk about this before, but let's just really clarify what inner authority actually requires you to have. What are the aspects of inner authority? We first of all need to have authenticity, and by authenticity I just mean knowing yourself and not shaming yourself for any part of yourself. Authenticity is a massive buzzword. We could change the word of that, but the essence of the word that I'm trying to use is you are able to act in accordance with who you truly are, without feeling like I should be this and censoring parts of yourself. That's what I mean when I say authenticity. It's not about trying to prove that you're say authenticity. It's not about trying to prove that you're being authentic. It's just about being comfortable in who you are and also knowing who you are.
Speaker 1:If you don't currently know who you are really at your core, what drives you, what your values are, what you are ultimately striving for in this life by even building your business, that shows me a lack of authenticity. So we need to first of all know who we are at a very deep level and be able to really own that. So a way that even at the start of 2024 I did not own fully my authenticity was when I very clearly was shown by spirit like you need to be working on manifestation, you need to be teaching people inner authority and breath work and ways that they can regulate their nervous system so that they can manifest more. And I went down that road and then, because I didn't know how I could continue it, I moved away from it and because I moved away from it, my business felt really, really hard for a period of time because I stopped doing it authentically, I stopped listening to my intuition, I stopped listening to what I knew to be true and instead outsourced my power to other people to tell me what to do.
Speaker 1:That is inauthenticity, and it's really hard to create permanent authority when you aren't taking action in alignment with who you truly are, and a big part of that is accepting who you are and any parts of like grief. That has to happen. You know, as we're in the personal development space Right, so we're always going to be like, developing and evolving and growing, and so there is always going to be a layer of like, identity shifting and like parts of us that needs to die in order for us to be reborn into the new version of us that can hold all of the manifestations that we want a new version of us that can hold all of the manifestations that we want. But with that journey of continuous evolution, there can also be an aspect of grief that we have to manage of like grieving a past version of ourselves that we need to let go of. Grieving past relationships that we need to let go of in order for us to grow. Grieving past parts of our business, even programs or whatever that looks like that we need to let go of of so we can fully step into the new direction and the quantum leap that could be on the other side of the quantum crumble and that really we need to be okay with evolving to continuously land our outer authority with our inner authority and find true authenticity.
Speaker 1:Whilst we're on this journey of evolution and and that does you know, there is a process of that of like, allowing yourself to be a continuous evolution, allowing yourself to be a canvas. It doesn't mean that your brand needs to change every five seconds, but it does mean that you don't get trapped in a way of doing business or in a way of thinking because it's what you used to do and it's what used to work versus what is true to you today. Business will always become harder if you are trying to build a business based on what used to work versus what is true for you today, and that only happens when authenticity is lacking in your inner authority, and so that's a really big part of permanent authority. Another part of inner authority is your capacity. So your inner authority is really a big part of it is like your nervous system, and if you don't have the capacity to hold whatever it is that you are manifesting towards with your business, with money, with relationships, whatever that looks like, if it's you wanting to manifest new opportunities in business that require you to speak on stage, if you currently don't have the capacity to speak on stage because it sends you into a fight or flight response whenever you even speak in front of a group of people, you will subconsciously repel that manifestation from even coming in because it doesn't feel safe for your nervous system. So a big part of your inner authority is expanding that capacity to hold without your nervous system.
Speaker 1:So a big part of your inner authority is expanding that capacity to hold without your nervous system freaking out, and that looks like healing fears, subconscious fears that are playing below the surface, that are keeping you small, and when you continuously are searching for and being open to these fears being illuminated and often they are illuminated through triggers and through discomfort and through pain and through anger. When we are open to that, we see those as gifts. Oh, what a gift that that trigger has come up. It's an area for me to expand my capacity in. You will create more neutrality in your life and ultimately, that's what manifestation wants, you know. And permanent authority requires us to continuously expand our capacity so that then, even if a different dynamic say, if you've done a lot of mindset workers, by the way, if anyone says I've done all my mindset coaching, yeah, I've done all of that you are your own biggest block. You will cap your own level of success because you are not willing to be a continuous evolution. I just want to say that because there is, we are all going to be continuously evolving, including me.
Speaker 1:Who is teaching manifestation? Who is teaching this stuff? It is just the way that it works and it is so fine and it's so beautiful, but don't allow your ego to come online to say, I'm already done Especially if someone's a mindset coach I'm already done. I got trapped in this as well myself, so I don't feel like this is like a shaming thing, but you need to be okay with being a constant evolution yourself whilst you're going through this as well, and expanding your capacity to hold new levels will allow you to create this permanent sense of authority, because you're not fighting against fear. You know, if you, every single time you make a vision board, you're scared of half the things in your vision board but you aren't willing to change any of those things, it means you're not prepared to expand your capacity. Therefore, you're never actually going to achieve those things because you're always going to be fearing them subconsciously, so you'll repel them. I hope that makes sense.
Speaker 1:Another part of inner authority is your level of conviction. Now, this kind of goes with authenticity a little bit, but you need to feel so convicted in the message that you are sharing and the knowledge that you have and the reasons that you are sharing it and who you are. In all of these areas you need to feel so convicted, which is different to confidence, by the way Confidence is like. You can fake confidence. You know I'm going to show up with confidence. Fake it till I make it Conviction.
Speaker 1:You can't fake Conviction is like I know. I know, I know this with absolute certainty. I am convicted and this is the message and I hope when you guys speak, you can hear the conviction in my voice because it doesn't come from like a head place where I'm just reciting what someone else has told me. I have embodied it deep inside of my body and it is something that has been learned in my nervous system. I typically do not speak about things until they are embodied in the way that I do things, embodied in my being. So I can talk about it in a riff and I can explain it. If I can't talk about it with complete confidence, I typically don't talk about it because it won't be convicted. It will be like yeah, I think I kind of believe this, which I see so much. You know and sure, fake confidence, fake it till you make it. But you want to work on building conviction and that looks like going deeper into your authority, going deeper into your craft, the way that you're doing things, and going deeper into your authenticity and getting to know yourself even better and expanding your capacity. All of that will create more conviction. So every single time you speak on your topic, so every single time you create a piece of content, so every single time you go to talk on stage, you have this deep, grounded, weighty feeling of I am convicted in what I say and when you speak with conviction, people listen Point blank.
Speaker 1:And the last part of inner authority that you really need is resilience, and resilience is essentially your ability to hold discomfort and keep on moving. If you are desiring any amount of success in this life you are going to, you are going to be required to move through a certain level of discomfort, and that requires a huge amount of resilience. If you want permanent authority, you need first of all conviction. I didn't say that, but you do need conviction with permanent authority. But you need first of all conviction I didn't say that, but you do need conviction with permanent authority. But you need resilience to be able to trust yourself that, even when things get hard, you will still be able to get up and make it work, because you are a resilient human. That's not to say that hard things aren't going to happen, because they probably will, but it is to say that you trust yourself to know that you will make it work, no matter what. Human beings are built to be resilient, and so if at any point you have a fear, I don't know whether I can handle it.
Speaker 1:That then comes back to a capacity issue. You fear that you don't have the capacity to be resilient at that level, at that level, and that is then your responsibility to clear up and to make right and to expand so that you feel so confident that you do have the capacity to be resilient no matter what happens. When you have that trust in yourself that you can handle it no matter what comes at you, that creates a permanent amount of authority. Now, that is just your inner authority, and all of those things will dictate your results and your success ir irregardless of the outer authority. Now, when we bring in the outer authority we need, in order to create a permanent sense of authority, we need clarity, that's, clarity on our message, how to articulate exactly what we do, how to articulate the authority that we have. We need clarity on what we want to do, who we are. It kind of comes back to our authenticity as well. It comes back to the level of conviction that we have and the topic that we teach. We need clarity on those things, and then we also need to be able to communicate that.
Speaker 1:That's the second part communication. This is the three C's of the outer authority Clarity of what you do, being able to communicate it, articulating the value of what you do in a way that speaks directly to the audience that you want to speak to, in a way that they are going to understand and resonate with. You know, an inability to be able to communicate your inner authority will lead people to literally posting two to three times a day and not growing at all on any socials. If you are doing that and that is your experience it's because your communication is not working the way that you are communicating the message that you are trying to deliver. Something is falling short, and so you need to look at that. And the last C of outer authority is collateral. You need to be able to funnel your clarity, your communication, into content that actually gets people to want to watch, to want to stay around, that gets people engaging, that gets people interested, gets people curious, and all of these three things. When you have the clarity on how to do all of these things and this is really important you have the clarity. The most important part the clarity of how to communicate your outer authority in a way that people understand and resonate with and that they immediately see you as an authority, will mean that even if you take two weeks off, you will still have a permanent sense of authority, because the work that you have done up until this point has already solidified you as a thought leader and an expert and someone to rely on. That is what creates permanent authority.
Speaker 1:When you don't have permanent authority, you doubt yourself harder, you outsource your power to other people, you struggle making decisions. It becomes this very frustrating place to be in where, like from any one day especially if you're a woman in your cycle, suddenly you experience a load of doubt. I don't know whether I can do this. I don't trust myself, and that comes through in the way that you communicate. So impermanent authority just basically means you are filled with doubt, and the only time that you do experience authority is when someone either tells you you have authority, when someone validates you, when you're going viral, when you're making money. It's when all of these tangible outcomes are happening, which in business don't happen all of the time. So if you are attributing your authority to a tangible outcome.
Speaker 1:You don't have permanent authority, you have an impermanent authority, and so you need to work on I would recommend the inner authority part join I am school. That's going to help you with the permanence. It's going to massively help you with that. But you really need to hone that down so that then, even if you're not making money, even if you're having a dip, even if, whatever any of the tangible things aren't happening, you still have this permanent feeling of conviction, of ease, of being able to surrender to the process of trust in the universe, and trust in yourself and trust in your audience and trust in the divine timing of the universe, that things will always work out, that you have the tools that you need to make it work and the only two tools that you need, the only two tools that you need. If we were to summarize this into two things energetics of your inner authority and marketing. Those are the only two things, the only two things. If you become a master at these two things and the inner authority is like energetic expansion and healing the outer authority is a skill If you become a master at these two things, you have the key to unlimited wealth. You will have a permanent authority not just in the conviction of what you do, but in your ability to follow through and create success in whatever capacity you desire, and you get to decide on whatever that capacity is.
Speaker 1:Now I have a free training that I'm going to be running. That is going to be all about this. It's going to be happening at the back end of january and I want to invite you guys to come to this free training to experience how you can transform your entire life by working on money, energetics, manifestation and marketing. When you master attraction and this is really what we're talking about attraction, the ability to attract in those three areas, you have the key to unlimited wealth. You have the key to unlimited wealth. It is called attractions and it is going to be happening at the back end of this month, so make sure that you sign up.
Speaker 1:We'll leave all the details in the caption below, in the description below, and that rounds up this episode.
Speaker 1:So I hope that this gives you a bit of an indication of how you are going to start building permanent authority and if you don't currently feel that you have that sense of permanent authority, I've given you a little bit of an indication of the areas that you need to build. If you want support in doing that, come to the free training. If you want support in manifesting everything you've ever dreamt of and expanding your capacity, expanding your inner authority and creating a sense of permanent authority. This is what I Am School is all about. It is a manifestation school that is built on building your inner authority, and inner authority is the entire thing that creates a permanent level of authority that gives you the trust in yourself that you can do anything that you want. You can manifest in any amounts of success that you want, and that is the gift that I want to give you in 2025. We will leave all of the information in the description below and I will see you guys in the next episode. Bye, guys.